Kompetenznetzwerk Geothermie Hessen Symbolbild

Geothermal competence network Hessen.

Competence network Goals.

The aim of the Hessen Geothermal Energy Competence Network is to expand and promote geothermal energy projects by various players in the region. In addition, the network would like to campaign for greater acceptance among the population through substantive and transparent public relations work and for the introduction of proposals for a lack of political and legal framework conditions.

Kompetenznetzwerk Geothermie Hessen Symbolbild

Competence network Who.

An expert group is planned to meet regularly four times a year to discuss, develop and clarify new target horizons in the field of geothermal energy. The aim of the group is to provide technical information on geothermal energy (also coupled with other renewable energies), to plan events such as workshops and lecture formats and to plan and coordinate new research/development projects for the expansion of geothermal energy.

Kompetenznetzwerk Geothermie Hessen Symbolbild