Bensheim (gehört zu Projekt Frankfurt Rebstockbad)

Welcome to the Frankfurt Rebstockbad project.

The business metropolis of Frankfurt has big plans: Independence from fossil fuels by 2035! This goal can be achieved with the warmth under the city’s feet. 800 meters below the bank towers, geothermal heat lies dormant in the depths of the underground.

Hot thermal water flows through the Rotliegend rock. It can reach temperatures of up to 40°C or more. The thermal energy of the water can be used to generate renewable energy.

Test drilling Joint research drillings.

Since November 2022, the Hessian Ministry of Economics and Energy, the responsible State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (HLNUG), the State Energy Agency LEA and the City of Frankfurt am Main have been investigating a rock layer known as the “Rotliegend”. The aim of the test drilling is to find out what contribution geothermal energy can make to the heat transition in Frankfurt.

In July 2023, the well reached its final depth of 1060 meters.

Work on the borehole was completed on site at the end of October 2023 and the detailed description and evaluation of all measurements, analyses and the geological situation began.

The next steps What happens next?

The data from the test drillings are analyzed by various parties. In addition to the above-mentioned institutions, Vulcan Energie Ressourcen GmbH, the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics in Hanover, TU Darmstadt and TU Freiburg are also involved in the investigations and consultations.